We welcome any comments or suggestions you have about our website. Let us know how we can improve the website or if there is something you would like to see added to the site.

1520 Hinsdale Road

(P.O. Box 217)

Walnut Cove, NC. 27052


New Hope Baptist Church


  • Name: David Alcorn
    Date: Saturday, November 26 2016 - 4:25 PM

    Comment: Pastor, Our family spent the Thanksgiving holiday at Disney this year. What a blessing it was when my 15 year daughter came out of a restroom with a picture of a Gospel tract left in the restroom. What a blessing!! Thank you for having a heart for the lost and teaching your people to do the same! Keep it up! Your labor is not in vain! David Alcorn

  • Name: Sheri Aakre
    Date: Friday, November 22 2013 - 2:55 PM

    Comment: Pastor Howard. I just wanted to thank you again for taking my son to the train station and my other son just received a miracle from a church there. I am not sure if it was you or not. I would like to send donations to your church. I have been enjoying listening to your sermons online. God bless you and your parishioners. Please tell them Thank you for welcoming my son with open arms the night he left. He enjoyed being there very much. I will hopefully be coming in January for the birth of my grandchild and will come by. God bless you!

  • Name: Paul Pritchard Sr
    Date: Friday, December 28 2012 - 6:00 PM

    Comment: Pastor I appreciate the good music. We are missionaries working in Brazil, SA. The Lord called us to the mission field in 1979 when I was still in Bible College at Tabernacle Bible College in Greenville, SC It not possible but I would love to be in the Super Bible Revival Jubliee. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Brother Pritchard and Sister Sharon. In the Lord´s service

  • Name: Cramelia
    Date: Thursday, August 4 2011 - 2:33 PM


    Preacher, the website looks very nice, and I applaud a job well done! See ya Sunday! Kudos~!~

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There Is HOPE @ New Hope!